
Showing posts from July, 2020

Let them be heroes...let them be...

There’s been some push to have more in depth ability progression for the characters in Crucible. I’d vote not to, sorta. Reasons: (1) depth already exists, (2) balance, and (3) uniqueness of characters. These reasons only make sense when looking at the gestalt, the whole of how characters fit in their team and their environment (objectives, stompers, harvesters, etc.). Depth: Level one and three offer three upgrades to choose from, level two and four are fixed, and level five has two upgrades. This format gives each character two builds really, a support/sustain and a high damage build. You can build a combination of the two but doing so takes away from how some of the talents work together. At first look this sounds, well, boring. You have to realize each character comes with their own complexity based solely on their kit though. Every hero has some sort of auto attack (left click) that reloads but their other abilities and how they function are completely different. Tosca has t...

Competitive or Casual

Competitive or Casual   It’s no secret that Crucible is struggling. That’s an understatement. Most “critics” are looking at player numbers, how long it can take to find a game, and uneven matchmaking. The ping system, lack of chat, and bare bones tutorial are also in the crosshairs. Major streamers moved on after a few games on launch which surely didn’t help.   Most of these are symptoms of an underlying problem with Crucible, that being, the input lag. Sometimes weapons feel like hit scan, sometimes like projectiles. Ajonah’s sniper rifle and Shakirri’s pistol are two that come to mind. Your first shot can kill an enemy but you won’t see them die until halfway through your next shot. Switching between abilities is also delayed. You get stuck slamming “Q” until you can’t “Q” anymore. This input lag takes away from the more enjoyable aspects of the game. Most people who’ve tried the game, and left, note it “feels off” and I think this is the root of it.   The recent...

What you might be missing in Crucible

Think about your team (enemy team) composition. Learning what your hero does well is just as important as knowing who is on your team and who you’re against. Some heroes have abilities and play styles that are better up close while others get more value by laying down damage at a safe distance. Drakal and Summer are two tanky front-liners that often get in your face and can burst you down. Ajonah, a sniper, fits the role of a ranged DPS (damage per second), “glass cannon,” or ADC (all damage carry). Tosca and Sazan might be considered somewhere in between since they can do damage but also have some sustainability through their mobility. Bugg and Shakirri are closest to a “support” role since they can shield and heal their allies or use their CC (crowd control) like slows and silences to set up plays. You’ll see lots of teams that run a combination of these roles. But games in Crucible can be won beyond fighting the enemy heroes.   2.       Don’t forge...